Church’s View: Bright day of forgiveness

For each of us the Independence Day of Ukraine is the most important of all existing state holidays. This date is worth the struggle, sacrifices and deeds of many generations of Ukrainians who have longed for liberty and prosperity for the homeland.
All we have now is largely the merit of our ancestors who, through their work and often at the cost of their lives laid strong foundations for the process of the formation of an independent Ukrainian state. It is therefore necessary not only to be aware of this, but also to do everything possible to preserve and not to waste the national treasure entrusted to us.
In this regard, it is essential to resort to the lessons of history. After all, it teaches us many important and extremely relevant at the present time things. In the first place, this is not to repeat the mistakes of the past and find the strength to preserve the unity as a guarantee of a prosperous future of the motherland.
I am sure that in this connection an example of Prince Vladimir Monomakh should be quite significant for us. In his writings, known under the name of "Instruction", we can find answers to the most urgent and disturbing for us questions, in particular, the possibility of overcoming division and hatred in the Ukrainian society, as well as the consequences of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.
According to the Academician Dmitry Likhachev, the most amazing and surprising in the "Instruction" is Monomakh’s letter to Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich. The latter was responsible for the death of Monomakh's son Izyaslav, who fell under the walls of Murom due to internecine warfare. The situation was also aggravated by the fact that the victim was a godson of Oleg who started war.
It is worth noting that Monomakh wrote his letter already after Oleg was completely defeated and fled outside Rus’. What was the content of personal messages of Prince, who at that time was the ruler of the big state? He calls the murderer of his son to crawl on his knees to him with a humiliating apology? He threatens Oleg with imminent punishment or revels in his terrible defeat? He delivers an ultimatum to Oleg?
No, no and no. The message is permeated with repentance, a desire to stop a former enmity and awareness of his great responsibility for the future of the state. According to D. Likhachev, "Monomakh’s letter is amazing. I do not know in the history of the world anything like a letter by Monomakh. Monomakh forgives the murderer of his son. Moreover, he comforts him. He invites him to return to the Russian land and obtain his inheritance principality, asks to forget grievances."
An unusual wisdom of our ancestors is vital today for each of us. After all, the internal contradictions undermine the power of the state, and its prosperity can be guaranteed only by peace. That is why on the Independence Day I wish all of us to find the strength for mutual forgiveness, which will result in a peaceful sky over the head for many more new generations of our compatriots.