Will our grandchildren have to defend their faith against Muslims?

The Christian population is rapidly declining, while with the Muslim is growing even more rapidly.
While the adherents of the OCU and the UGCC are creating their own special "patriotic Christianity" and the Local Churches do not dare to condemn Greek nationalism and the tyranny of Phanar, we should look at the global processes that are taking place with the population of the republics of the former USSR over the last third of the century. In fact, the numbers are discouraging. In short, the Christian population is rapidly declining, while the Muslim population is growing even more rapidly.
1989 to 2019 population:
Estonia – decreased by 15.8%;
Latvia – decreased by 28%;
Lithuania – decreased by 24.4%;
Belarus – decreased by 7.1%;
Moldova – decreased by 38.2%;
Georgia - decreased by 31.5%;
Armenia – decreased by 10.9%;
Russia – decreased by 0.4%
Finally, Ukraine – decreased by 18.4% (although a lot of facts say that this figure is much higher).
At the same time, the Muslim countries of the former USSR draw a contrary picture.
For example, the population of Tajikistan has increased by 78.6%, Uzbekistan by 67.1%, Turkmenistan by 65.6%, and Azerbaijan by 42.4%.
Given that the population of Europe is also rapidly becoming Muslim, all the games of "national Orthodoxy", as well as Phanar's attempts to "become the most important", look absurd and ridiculous. It seems that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to solve a completely different problem, namely, the problem of the survival of Christians in a hostile Muslim environment.