Uniates with radicals organize a “Christian military” camp

There appeared an advertisement urging children from 14 to 18 years to go to the camp "Defender", organized by the military chaplaincy department of the Patriarchal Curia of the UGCC.
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, together with the radical nationalist organization Trizub named after Stepan Bandera, organized a "Christian-military training camp" "Defender".
The purpose of the camp is "spiritual, moral and physical training of youth for the fulfillment of the military duty to the Ukrainian state in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
Young people aged 14-18 are invited, who "want to discover the image of a Christian warrior“.
As the UOJ has written before, members of Trizub, as well as Right Sector having spun off from Trizub, have repeatedly participated in illegal seizures of temples of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. On May 4, 2017 the ”Right Sector“ even concluded an ageement of cooperation with the Kyiv Patriarchate, and not so long ago began to disseminate a special editon of the newspaper propagating the so called Single Orthodox Church, whose creation is lobbied by President Petro Poroshenko.