Council of Churches expresses concern over pogroms on ethnic grounds

The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations published a statement on pogroms directed against the Gypsies (Roma).
The Council of Churches resolutely condemned pogroms and persecutions on ethnic grounds, including the case in the vicinity of Lvov on the evening of June 23, which resulted in a murder, reports the Institute of Religious Freedom.
"We strongly condemn such acts. This type of action, by whoever committed and whatever slogans justified, are unworthy and discredit Ukraine," the Council of Churches emphasized.
Religious figures stated that some Roma people commit crimes and condemn this, but it is profoundly wrong to spread outrage at specific criminal acts against a whole nation or ethnic group.
In the opinion of the heads of the confessions, "every citizen of our country, regardless of their national, ethnic, religious affiliation, should feel a worthy and full-fledged citizen of their state, and state authorities must protect their rights and freedoms, first of all, the right to life, health and free development".
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations called on the citizens of Ukraine "to resolutely oppose pogroms and persecutions on ethnic grounds, which have nothing to do with either religious or universal human rules and norms."
Earlier in Uman, the nationalists made a pogrom on the grave of tzadik Nakhman.