Prosecutor General: attacks on religious buildings are acts of terrorism

Attacks on religious buildings pose the same threat to the state and society as terrorist acts, said Lutsenko.
On May 6, 2019, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuri Lutsenko called to consider any attacks on religious and cult buildings terrorist acts, reports the online edition “Censor.Net".
According to Lutsenko, such attacks threaten the state.
“We need to introduce criminal liability for organizations that impose and practice the language of inter-ethnic enmity – it is not here now. We should equate any attacks on religious and cult buildings with terrorist acts, as they pose the same threat to the state and public peace,” said the Prosecutor General during a speech at the first major international Jewish conference “Kyiv Jewish Forum”.
In November 2016, Lutsenko destroyed the UOC chapel in the building of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. “This news has shocked many. By order of Yuri Lutsenko, an Orthodox church, located in the building of the Prosecutor General’s Office, was destroyed,” the GPU officer commented on what happened then. By order of the Prosecutor General, the premises, which the Orthodox church had previously occupied, were converted to the offices for the personnel of the department for international cooperation.
In February 2018, the wife of the Prosecutor General Irina Lutsenko demanded to demolish the chapel of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Tithe (Desiatinny) Monastery.