Expert – to UOC believers: Speak with authorities in the legal language

The new government is guided by the language of facts and has begun to give an objective assessment of the criminal policy of Poroshenko, said Taksiur.
Believers of the UOC are voters of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky so they should talk more confidently with the Head of State in the language of facts, said the Orthodox publicist and journalist Yan Taksiur.
“To wipe away tears and with prayer, with the most modern, legal methods available to us and enter into dialogue with the authorities to fight for the return of the seized, to fight for the restoration of our honest name because the image of our Church, of course, suffered as a result of the criminal actions of some media,” said Taksiur on the “1Kozak” channel. “I am calling to do all this with prayer, calmly, wiping away tears.”
Zelensky is a modern, young President who is used to the language of facts, the expert emphasized. In addition, the Head of State does not allow himself to ignore the appeals of his citizens, which could not be said about the policies of the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Taksiur believes.
“Something tells me that our new young President Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky is not indifferent to what his image will be in the eye of the world community. And in his heart, it seems to me that this person is kinder than Poroshenko,” the journalist commented on the meeting between the head of State and the UOC believers in Rovno.
Taksiur also drew attention to the fact that representatives of the new state power of Ukraine opened 13 criminal cases on the facts of criminal activity of the old government. In particular, the State Bureau of Investigation opened a criminal case against the ex-director of the Department of the Ministry of Culture for Religions and Nationalities Andrei Yurash for fabricating evidence against the cleric of the UOC.
The journalist also suggested that even though the illegal seizures of the churches of the canonical Church continue, this can only be an echo of Poroshenko’s policy. Indeed, officials still appointed by the former President still remain in power, Taksiur added.
As reported, Zelensky met in Rovno with UOC parishioners, who informed the President of the facts of systematic violations of their constitutional rights. The head of State reassured the faithful and promised to address the situation.