Re-сontest for the post of head of the State Service for Religion opened

Andrei Yurash wishes to recontest the post of head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, despite the previous failure.
On December 3, 2019, the former head of the Department of the Ministry of Culture for Religions Andrei Yurash reported on Facebook that the Cabinet of Ministers officially announced a new competition for the post of head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience.
Yurash also said that he intends, despite the previous failure, to take part in the contest again: “I can’t help myself again,” he writes.
We recall that the competition announced in September for the post of head of the State Service for Ethnic Policy ended to no avail.
As reported earlier, out of 18 candidates who applied for participation in the competition, only two were shortlisted - Andrei Yurash and Yuri Reshetnikov. At the same time, Andrei Yurash tried, with the assistance of an expert evaluating the results of the competition, to rig the results. Compositions dedicated to the Tomos, which were handed over by candidates for the position of head of the State Service, were unilaterally checked by historian and religious scholar Igor Kozlovsky, President of the Ayurveda Yoga Tantra School of the “Discovery Centre”, reporting to the Department for Religions led by Yurash. Applicants for the post of head of the State Service handed over their papers sealed in an envelope without indicating their surname so that the results of the composition were as objective as possible. However, almost immediately after the assignment, Kozlovsky assured Yurash that he had the highest score and he might not be worried.