SOC Episcopal Сouncil prepares appeal to Constitutional Court of Montenegro

Legal measures developed by the clergy and lawyers are designed to eliminate the negative consequences of anti-church law for the entire Montenegrin society.
In consultation with a number of legal experts, the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro has prepared an appeal to the Constitutional Court of Montenegro concerning the recently adopted law “On Freedom of Religion and Belief and the Legal Status of Religious Communities.”
An extended meeting of the Council was held on January 22 in Nikšić, during which it prepared an appeal to the nation’s highest court, the hierarchs report in a statement published on the website of the Metropolis of Montenegro.
The purpose of the appeal is to initiate consideration of the issue of the compliance of the new law with the Montenegrin constitution.
The hierarchs also explained that the Constitutional Court itself has the right to initiate a review of the constitutionality of the new legislation, especially considering the obvious contradictions between its provisions and the constitution.
“As announced, the initiative will be presented in the near future,” the members of the Episcopal Council concluded.
The hierarchs also note that the government has not yet demonstrated that it is ready to have a true dialogue on the topic.
We recall that while the clergy and laity of the canonical Orthodox Church in Montenegro pray for peace and try to resolve the conflict that has arisen in the state, the head of the schismatic "Montenegrin Orthodox Church" Mihailo Dedeić, made a threat on Croatian television: if the anti-church law is not implemented, civil war will break out.
The President of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović, a few days later ruled out the possibility of repealing this law.