Except UOC: services of 6 church structures to be broadcast on "UA: Pershy"

The National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine will broadcast services of the RCC, UGCC, OCU, Baptists and Evangelists due to the coronavirus epidemic.
On March 28 and 29, 2020, the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine (NPTRC) will broadcast live services of six church structures, the UOC worship service was not included in the programme of NPTRC channels, reports "Stv.detector.media”.
The "UA: Pershy" TV channel will broadcast the services of the RCC, UGCC, and OCU, while "UA: Culture" – services of the Church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists and the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church.
The TV and Radio Company reported that the services will be broadcast weekly throughout the quarantine period.
The company's managers are in talks with other Churches about the broadcast. A more detailed schedule will be known soon.
"In connection with the introduction of quarantine due to the threat of the coronavirus spread, mass gatherings are prohibited, viewers will be able to see weekly broadcasts on the national TV channels "UA: Pershy" and "UA: Culture", as well as in the regions on TV channels of regional branches of the Public (Television and Radio Company of Ukraine – Ed.)", said the spokesperson for the NPTRC.
On 31 January 2019, the Supervisory Board of the NTRC of Ukraine dismissed former director Zurab Alasania for not covering the events of the "cross procession" of pro-OCU participants in July 2018.