Three candidates for the Cypriot Church See selected in 1st round

During the elections for the post of Primate of the Church of Cyprus, the majority of votes was won by Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol.
On December 18, 2022, a vote was held in the Cypriot Orthodox Church, during which believers selected candidates for the post of Primate. It is reported by
Of the six candidates, Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos (18.10% of the vote), Metropolitan Georgios of Paphos (18.39% of the vote) and Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol, who received more than 36% of the vote, were advanced to the second round.
Among the three candidates who received the largest number of votes, the members of the Synod will elect the primate.
Immediately after the exit polls were announced, the Metropolitan of Limassol stated that he expresses gratitude and love to all the Cypriot people and noted that it is important to respect the choice and opinion of believers.
Let us recall that at the second stage of the primatial elections, only members of the Holy Synod will vote for one of the three candidates. The winner is the one to receive the absolute majority votes (i.e. more than eight members of the Holy Synod). In case of an equal number of votes, the primate is determined by lot.
Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Primate of the Cypriot Church, Archbishop Chrysostomos, died on November 6, 2022.