Omelian: Now there’s a great excuse to send UOC priests home to Russia

The Ukrainian ex-minister believes that the priests of the UOC "have already stayed long enough in Ukraine and ‘prayed’ for all of us”.
The period of coronavirus quarantine and supposedly “ignoring” it by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is an excuse to send the UOC priests “home to Russia” said the ex-Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladimir Omelian, who had previously proposed to send the UOC in “Stolypin wagons”, on “5 Channel”.
“I think now it’s a great excuse to send priests of the Moscow Patriarchate back home, to Russia, so that they can be treated there, then minister, earn money, etc. Because they have already stayed long enough in Ukraine and ‘prayed’ for all of us,” said the Ukrainian politician.
We recall that earlier Vladimir Omelian suggested extraditing the “barbarians” of the UOC from Ukraine within 24 hours, providing them with a three-day supply of products.