Ukraine to tighten control over observance of quarantine restrictions

The Government has already launched an action to impose fines, so far mainly on quarantine violating institutions.
Ukraine will tighten control over compliance with quarantine restrictions – social distancing, masking and disinfection measures. This was announced by Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal on 25 June 2020 when opening an extraordinary government meeting, reports the “Government Portal”.
"Thus, today we want to prevent economy shrinking, as well as not to impose a complete lockdown in the country as it was in March, there is only one way – to comply with the adaptive quarantine model - masks, disinfection, social distancing," said the Prime Minister.
According to him, from Monday, the Government has already launched a campaign to impose fines, mainly on institutions that do not observe the quarantine restrictions. "Dear citizens, we will strengthen control over the observance of social distancing, the mask regime, disinfection measures. It is very important for us not to have such a wave of a disease outbreak that was in Italy and Spain. I call on everyone to be vigilant, responsible and to treat the requirements of quarantine very carefully,” Denis Shmygal summed up.
"I ask everybody to be vigilant, responsible and treat quarantine requirements vert carefully," the Prime Minister urged.
In particular, according to the new version of the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution, during the quarantine period it is prohibited "to hold mass (cultural, entertainment, sports, social, religious, advertising and other) events with the participation of more than one person per 5 sq. meters of the building or territory (if the event is held outdoors), where the event is held. The organizer of the event is responsible for maintaining a physical distance between participants of at least 1.5 meters". In regions where there is a significant increase in COVID-19 patients, additional restrictions may be imposed on holding public events.
In addition, it is forbidden to be on the streets without identity documents and to be in public buildings and structures, including religious ones, without personal protective equipment (respirators or protective masks covering the nose and mouth, including self-made ones).
Violators of quarantine restrictions can be brought to administrative responsibility and fined in the amount of 17 thousand hryvnias.
As reported earlier, Ukraine extended its adaptive quarantine till 31 July.