Cypriot hierarch: Moscow should have granted autocephaly to UOC long ago

Metropolitan Neophytos believes that Patriarch Kirill should have granted autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church long ago.
Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou said in an interview with the UOJ that the UOC should have received autocephaly status long ago. And this should have been dealt with both in Moscow and Kyiv.
"Why didn't the venerable Metropolitan Onuphry and your Synod bother to ask for autocephaly from the Russian Church, why? And why did not Moscow Patriarch Kirill foresee it? We, many Orthodox bishops, are asking ourselves this question," said Metropolitan Neophytos.
He believes that by making such a decision in advance, the UOC "could have avoided a lot of problems".
"Your Orthodox Church (UOC – Ed.) is also responsible here. For me, the Kyiv Orthodox Church is one - it is the Church of Onuphry. When I say the word "Church," I mean this very Church. And, of course, the blame lies with the Moscow Patriarchate, because every spiritual leader must anticipate the situation. This is the way to rule, as St. John Chrysostom said. Unfortunately, you did not foresee it, you did not take any steps in advance. And this is how we have come to the current tragic events," the Cypriot bishop said.
According to him, the UOC should have received the autocephalous status long ago: "Is it possible that small Cyprus has had an autocephalous church for 1,600 years and big Ukraine with millions of believers is not worthy of autocephaly?”
As reported, the Cypriot bishop said that the truth in Ukraine today is represented by Metropolitan Onuphry.