Cherkasy bishop: Anti-church media receive grants from Western embassies

Metropolitan Theodosy stated that Cherkasy media outlets, which incite hatred towards the UOC, receive funding from Western embassies.
Some of Cherkasy's media, which incite hatred of the Church, receive grants from embassies of Western countries," said Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy in a video message.
"We are aware that certain media outlets, for example, receive grant assistance from Western embassies. We know which ones specifically. And we will address them with a question: Do these embassies know that the funds they allocate to Cherkasy media are used to incite interfaith discord and hatred in the country? In Ukraine as a whole, there is an ongoing struggle against the Orthodox Church, our UOC," stated the hierarch.
According to him, "the local mass media have been involved in the anti-Church campaign and produce materials that defame the reputation of the clergy, as well as the UOC in general. Our lawyers document all of this, attempt to work within the legal framework, identify the curators, and search for beneficiaries behind all these misdeeds."
As reported, Metropolitan Theodosy explained why there were no "transfers" to the OCU in Cherkasy.