Court arrests military officer who disobeyed orders over religious beliefs

A court in Lviv sentenced a border guard who disobeyed an order on religious grounds.
A junior sergeant of the State Border Service, who failed to comply with the orders of his commander because of religious beliefs, has been sentenced to 6 months of arrest. A decision to this effect was issued by the Lychakiv Court of Lviv on May 3, 2023.
According to materials of the case, on July 25, 2022, the military officer refused to go on a business trip to a military unit for the training of the unit's personnel. The border guard informed the commander about his refusal verbally and in writing.
On the fact of disobedience committed under martial law, criminal proceedings were opened against the man under Part 4 Article 402 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for the imprisonment of five to ten years.
According to the resource "Facts", in court the border guard fully admitted his guilt, saying that his religious beliefs do not allow the use of weapons. The man did not say what religion he belongs to.
The court found the soldier guilty and applied to him Article 69 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for the imposition of a lighter penalty than provided by law.
The border guard can also appeal against the verdict in the court of appeal.
As reported, a court sentenced a Protestant man who did not want to fight for religious reasons.