Zaporizhzhia priests and believers of UOC become blood donors

During the project "Love is Mercy" more than two and a half tons of blood was donated, said Metropolitan Luke.
On June 8, 2023, within the framework of a charity project of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the UOC "Love is Mercy", initiated in 2011 by Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol, all those willing were able to donate blood, reports the press service of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy of the UOC.
The event was timed to Donor Day, which is held all over the world on June 14, as a sign of gratitude to those who sacrificed their blood to save human lives.
According to Metropolitan Luke, for any believer, donation is an active love and service to one's neighbour.
"More than two and a half tonnes of blood has been donated since the “Love is Mercy” project was launched. That means thousands of people who have been saved, who have not only regained their health but often their lives as well. Today, hundreds of people in our country need our blood. These are wounded soldiers, victims of accidents, and people with various illnesses, for whom every minute counts, and whose lives depend on the availability of donated blood. Our Church blesses everyone who is ready to come to a blood transfusion point, as it sees in donating blood not only a voluntary donation of its own blood but also active love to others," said the hierarch of UOC.
As earlier reported, UOC parishes in Zaporizhzhia feed up to 200 people in need on Sundays.