Head of Phanar speaks about "ungrateful children from the North"

Patriarch Bartholomew once again pointed out ingratitude of the "northern" children of the Church of Constantinople.
On September 21, 2020, the head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople complained about “ungrateful children from the North,” Orthodox Times reports.
Welcoming the newly elected Metropolitan Dimitrios of Metres and Athyra, Patriarch Bartholomew pointed to his being "especially delighted" in connection with officially announcing “to you the evangelistic message of your worthy election as Metropolitan of the Ecumenical Throne, in reward of your many years of service, especially in the great country of Germany, among the expatriate children of the Mother Church, under the distinguished shepherd, Brother Augustine."
“We all owe everything to our Ecumenical Patriarchate, this loving Mother who gives birth and nurtures her children in the education and discipline of The Lord, she makes them shepherds and teachers of the people of God, she promotes them, she glorifies them and she boasts about them in Lord, sometimes she endures their ungratefulness either as individuals or as ecclesiastical beings and units, as is the case with her children from the North,” said the Phanar leader.
We will remind, earlier Pat. Bartholomew called the Moscow Patriarchate enemies and “ungrateful children”.