Members of Cyprus Synod quit their ministry with Archbishop Chrysostomos

The Primate of the Cyprus Church must withdraw his personal, arbitrary decision on recognition of the OCU, taken against the will of the Synod.
Members of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus stop concelebrating with Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus and will not meet with him until there is a synodal decision on the recognition of the OCU. This was stated by Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos, the Greek resource Philenews reports on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.
The hierarch stressed that all those who disagree with the commemoration of Epiphaniy as primate will not concelebrate with him if he arrives in Cyprus at the invitation of the Archbishop. According to him, now the Church of Cyprus is facing a potential schism, and whether the situation will be normalized depends on Archbishop Chrysostomos.
He explained that the Cypriot Primate could convene the Holy Synod to discuss the situation with the recognition of Epiphaniy, and recalled that four metropolitans had already publicly requested this.
However, Metropolitan Isaiah noted, it follows from the statements of Archbishop Chrysostomos that he is ready to submit to the Synod only those issues for consideration on which he believes he will have a majority of votes.
“We do not agree with a mentality leading to individual action, far from the conciliarity that the Holy Synod should have, which is supposed to make collective decisions,” said the Metropolitan of Tamassos, adding that “this does not mean that our desires should always be performed."
As for concelebrating with Archbishop Chrysostomos, the Cypriot bishop stated that he could not concelebrate with anyone who commemorates Epiphaniy, since this would mean that he would recognize someone who was not ordained properly.
“I also cannot concelebrate with Epiphaniy or his entourage, or let them to give the Holy Sacraments to believers. I cannot let them enter my metropolitanate,” Metropolitan Isaiah said, adding that this is not a manifestation of whim or selfishness but an unwillingness to conflict with his hierarchical conscience.
When asked about the position that the Church of Cyprus should take, he said that although he disagrees, it would be better to continue to remain neutral in order to take more time to find an acceptable solution.
We will remind, earlier, Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamassos said that the bishop cannot obey the one who violates the Tradition of the Church.