Preventive measure for human rights activist Viktoria Kokhanovska changed

The court has changed Viktoria Kokhanovska's preventive measure from round-the-clock house arrest to nighttime house arrest.
Viktoria Kokhanovska, an Orthodox human rights activist, had her preventive measure changed in the "hooliganism" case from round-the-clock house arrest to nighttime house arrest. Kokhanovskaya told about this in a live broadcast published on her Facebook page.
According to her, the other three "Lavra hooligans" who were detained with her in April 2023 have also been placed under nighttime house arrest.
Under the new preventive measure, Kokhanovska and the other suspects in the "hooliganism" case related to the UOC can move freely between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
Kokhanovska also mentioned that the court ordered her to continue wearing an electronic bracelet.
"The judge from Bila Tserkva looked into the situation, took into account that we spent six months under preventive measures, six months under round-the-clock house arrest, and (granted – Ed.) all of us nighttime house arrest," Kokhanovska said.
As reported, Viktoria Kokhanovska was informed of a new suspicion in the case of "denying Russia's aggression against Ukraine".