Metropolitan Luke: Each of us is a member of a large family named Ukraine

The Zaporizhzhia bishop called on everyone to think about how they preserve their family, and therefore their Church and the state.
In the national sense, we are all members of one big "family named Ukraine", and in the church-wide sense, we are members of the family of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol said this after a concert held in Zaporizhzhia on December 19, 2020, as part of the All-Ukrainian charitable educational marathon "Save the Family – Save the People".
"What is the family? We can say the mum, the dad and children. No,” said Metropolitan Luke in his commentary to the “1Kozak” channel. “If in the national sense, then each of us is a member of our large family named Ukraine. If in the general church understanding it is a member of the family of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church."
The hierarch added that in the Soviet school he was taught that the family is a unit of society, "but I know as the Apostle Paul taught me: the family is a small Church."
“Our huge Church is made up of such small churches – small families that affirm the word of truth. Today I want to wish all of us that we remember and know that I am a member of a family: state, church, clan, etc. If I realize this, I will preserve my family, preserve my Church, and preserve my state. Let everyone think about how they preserve their family, which means their Church and their state, our Ukraine,” called on Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhia and Melitopol.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the All-Ukrainian educational marathon "Let's Save the Family – Save the People", organized by the St Prince Vladimir Brotherhood and Archpriest Alexander Klimenko, continued in Zaporizhzhia.