Lavra defender: We are supported by faith in God

A UOC priest said what helps believers come for prayer standing by the walls of the Lavra.
On November 23, 2023, during a prayer standing near the walls of the Kyiv Caves Lavra, one of the defenders of the monastery explained what helps believers come to prayer even in bad weather.
After the prayer, one of the priests addressed those gathered near the Kyiv Caves Lavra, expressing gratitude for coming to the prayer standing despite the weather.
"No matter what the weather and the circumstances may be, where two or three are gathered – there the Lord is with us," he said. According to the priest, "the Lavra has witnessed many events in history. And now we are witnesses of the prayer standing, of how faith supports us." "And in all those circumstances, family and others, in which we live, God, through the prayers of the holy saints, will help us," the priest concluded, thanking everyone once again for their prayer.
As earlier reported, despite the cold and wet snow, prayer continues near the Lavra walls.