RCC bishop: Pope Francis is a "false prophet" who precedes the Antichrist

Archbishop Vigano of the RCC believes that Francis is "an emissary of Freemasonry, elected as the Pope to destroy the Church from within".
Former Vatican Secretary of State and Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano believes Pope Francis is a "false prophet" who precedes the Antichrist.
He said Jorge Maria Bergoglio is the "false prophet", who fits the description of the one spoken of by the prophet Daniel during the time of the “final persecution” of the Church, to whom no Catholic owes “any” obedience or collaboration but rather steadfast resistance.
"We are ... far beyond heresy," he said, noting that Francis as "an emissary of Freemasonry could go so far as to be elected pope to demolish the Church from within".
He also stated that Francis "would surpass mere heresy and embrace all-out apostasy".
Earlier Carl Maria Vigano said that the Church is being used to establish the New World Order.