"Soul swastika" to help in difficult circumstances on sale in Kyiv

A shop in the centre of Kyiv sells swastika and pagan amulets for every taste.
Pagan amulets, including the image of a swastika, are on sale in one of the shops of TC "Metrograd" in the centre of Kyiv. Photos of the goods were sent to the UOJ editorial office by one of its readers.
Among the products, a sign that immediately attracts attention is a "soul swastika", which, as it is claimed, "generates determination and helps to resist in difficult circumstances". Next to the swastika is "Molvinets" which "keeps you safe from hex, hassle and evil fate." Those who strive for a "holy life", it is enough to buy an amulet "Alatyr".
"I can't imagine someone to buy this swastika, to put it on themselves and seriously expect that it will help in difficult circumstances. Besides, the law on the prohibition of Nazi propaganda is still in force," the author of the photos wrote to the editorial office.
As earlier reported, the Ministry of Culture urged Kyiv residents to celebrate Ivan Kupala with the gods and spirits of princes.