Metropolitan of Piraeus: Sodomy is pinnacle of evil separating man from God

Metropolitan Seraphim equated homosexuality with a psychopathological deviation that cannot be given the authority of the family.
Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church said that homosexuality is the pinnacle of evil, which separates a person from God, reports Tasthyras.
In an interview with the German television channel Sky, Metropolitan Seraphim said that homosexuality is a deviation from human sexuality. In his opinion, "There is no real homosexuality, there is an act of it."
Metropolitan Seraphim said he views homosexuality as "the pinnacle of evil" because "it is a sin that deprives man of his communion with God because it stains the body, stains the soul".
"There are deviations, psychopathological ones. However, it is not logical for a legal order to come and surround this deviation with prestige, and indeed the prestige of marriage which is the process for the primary cell of life which is the family," the bishop noted.