UOC: Document on fundraising in RF for needs of Ternopil Eparchy is fake

The Ternopil Eparchy said the "letter" of Metropolitan Sergiy to ROC hierarchs about raising funds for the needs of the eparchy published on the web was a fake.
The "letter" of Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopil to the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church with a request for financial assistance to the Ternopil eparchy is a fake. The corresponding statement was published on the eparchy’s Facebook page.
It was noted that "Metropolitan Sergiy did not give any blessing for any fundraising indicated in the provocative letter, nor was any letter sent with this text".
The eparchy also said that the letter was made in a photo editor and that Metropolitan Sergius' signature was forged.
"We believe that this fake letter is a provocation against the Ternopil Eparchy, in particular against Metropolitan Sergiy, as well as against all the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, faithful sons and daughters who courageously defend our homeland from enemies," the UOC added.
As reported, a fake page of Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopil appeared on Facebook.