Ukrainian priests to be equated to social workers and vaccinated

Clerics are included in the second wave of coronavirus vaccinations.
The operational headquarters of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is beginning to vaccinate priests, the Ministry of Health was recommended to equate priests with social workers, according to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The head of the National Technical Group of Experts on Immunoprophylaxis (NTGEI) Fyodor Lapiy said that vaccination of clergy is necessary, since they are in close contact with people at risk.
To sign up for vaccinations, priests need to contact their superiors and communicate their desire to be vaccinated. The latter, in turn, will pass on the lists to the vaccination coordinators in the region. After agreement with the coordinators, the managers will inform those who wish about the time and place of vaccination, according to the website of the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
In Ukraine, vaccination against COVID-19 takes place in five stages, the first stage began on February 24, 2021. March 22, 2021 - the second stage of vaccination.
As it was previously reported, Zelensky signed a decree on vaccination against COVID-19.