Athos monk: Bartholomew didn't pray to Christ at the ecumenical gathering

Monk Nikolaos recalled that the true shepherd of Christ should teach all nations the right faith, rather than participate in the Sabbaths of the “New Era”.
Monk Nikolaos, the elder of the St. Demetrius Trigonas cell on Mount Athos, said that during the ecumenical prayer "for peace in the entire world" in Rome, organized by Pope Francis on October 20, 2020, Patriarch Bartholomew prayed not to Christ, reports the Orthodoxos Typos publication.
He recalled that Saint Paisios the Athonite called prayer meetings with heretics “rags of the devil”: “And this is true: only the slain Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who endured sufferings for the sake of the salvation of us sinners, can give true peace, but not those people who scoff at the faith."
The elder stressed that Pope Francis “preaches that homosexuality must be protected by law,” another participant in the ecumenical prayer “is waiting for his own messiah, the antichrist,” and “as for the rest of the participants in this ceremony, they worship idols, animals and the sun, venerating them as if gods."
“Given the above, the question arises: to what ‘god’ did our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew put a candle on a candlestick, being in the middle of this gathering, this patchwork of religions? In any case – not to our Lord Jesus Christ, because Christ calls on His shepherds to set off on the road and teach the right faith to all nations: ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28: 19), rather than participate in the Sabbaths of the ‘New Era’,” summed up the Athonite monk.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church took part in the ecumenical prayer with the heads of the RCC and Phanar.