German Cardinal advocates for Biden's excommunication from Catholic Church

According to Cardinal Müller, "it is absolutely unacceptable when you can say that you are a Catholic but encourage and justify the killing of people."
Former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Roman Catholic Church Cardinal Gerhard Müller condemned President Joe Biden's support for abortion, stating that it is infanticide and those who support it should be excommunicated.
Cardinal Müller believes that "the word 'abortion' is too much a soft word. The reality is killing, murder of a living person. There’s no right to kill another person. It’s absolutely against the Fifth Commandment," said the RCC hierarch.
Cardinal Müller likened the killing of the unborn and the elderly to the “Nazi” times, saying that “it’s absolutely unacceptable that you can say you are a Catholic and promote and justify killing of human persons, human beings [from] the beginning in the mother’s womb, until the last respiration [with] euthanasia… Killing of ill people, like in the Nazi times, is euthanasia.”
Biden is very public about his self-professed Catholic faith, but Cardinal Müller suggested that while Biden is “nominally a Catholic, in reality he is a Nihilist. It’s cynicism and absolute cynicism,” the cardinal believes.
Drawing on the example of St. Ambrose of Milan and his excommunication of the Emperor Theodosius, Cardinal Müller commented how “in other times people like this would be excommunicated. In former times the Popes and the bishops had no fear to excommunicate, like St. Ambrose of Milan.”
Müller emphasized that a politician “consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws” manifests “formal cooperation” with grave sin, and must be “denied” the Eucharist. Additionally, Canon 915 of the Catholic Code of Canon Law says that those who “obstinately” persevere “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”
Earlier, it was reported that an RCC bishop opposed Biden's excommunication because of his support for abortions.