In Athonite monastery, St. Anthony of the Caves portrayed with Tomos of OCU

A fresco with the Tomos of autocephaly of the OCU has appeared in the Athos Monastery of New Esphigmenou.
In the Monastery of New Esphigmenou, which recognized Ukrainian schismatics, on Holy Mount Athos, St. Anthony of the Caves was portrayed with the text of the Tomos of autocephaly of the OCU.
A photo of the fresco from the Athonite monastery was posted on his Facebook page by Andrey Dudchenko, the secretary of the Synodal Theological and Liturgical Commission of the OCU.
“The fresco of the New Esphigmenou Monastery on Mount Athos depicts St. Anthony of the Caves, who is holding a scroll with the text of the Tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” the “priest” explained, adding in the comments that these are fresh paintings.
In 2019, the New Esphigmenou Monastery, along with Xenophontos and Pantocrator, received the delegation of the OCU and exhibited the relics of the Athonite saints for worship.