Pontiff wants to speed up day of "unified Eucharist" between East and West

Pope Francis: The day will come when we can celebrate the unified eucharist, fulfilling the Lord's prophecy.
On 11 November, Pope Francis held a meeting with delegates from the Sacred Synod of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, who were visiting the Vatican for the first time on an official trip, reports vaticannews.
During the meeting, the Pontiff highlighted the important role of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in inter-Christian dialogue, calling it a "bridge" between the East and the West. Pope Francis entrusted this initiative to the Holy Spirit and expressed hope that it would "speed up the day when we can celebrate the unified Eucharist, fulfilling the Lord's prophecy" (cf. Matthew 8:11).
The Pontiff quoted the Orthodox theologian John Zizioulas to the representatives of the ancient Eastern (non-Chalcedonian) Church from India, who said that the final date for Church unity would be the day after the Last Judgment, and "until then, we must walk together, pray together and work together".
As earlier reported, Pope Francis urged people not to lose heart due to failures and to promote peace.