Another case opened against human rights activist Kokhanovska

A fourth charge has not yet been formally presented to the head of "Women's Power of Ukraine"; the authorities limited their actions to a search.
On December 21, law enforcement conducted a search at the apartment of Orthodox human rights activist Viktoria Kokhanovska in connection with a fourth criminal case opened under Article 161, Part 1 (inciting religious enmity and hatred). Kokhanovska shared a video with her comments on the Women's Power of Ukraine channel.
During the search, phones, flash drives, and laptops were confiscated. Kokhanovska claims that the new case was initiated because previous cases were "falling apart, and they need to create problems." In the video, she states that the case was opened over a post by a priest's wife, which Kokhanovska had shared on her social media.
The police came to Kohanovska’s home the day after a missile strike on Kyiv, during which her building was damaged. She noted that the law enforcement officers appeared uncomfortable carrying out the search order under such circumstances.
Although a fourth charge has not been formally presented to the head of "Women's Power of Ukraine," investigators limited their actions to confiscating equipment. Kokhanovska’s status in the fourth criminal case remains undetermined.
As previously reported by the UOJ, on April 19, 2023, the investigative department of the Pechersk Police Department initiated a criminal case under Part 3 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism) after Kokhanovska and other believers opened building No. 39 of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which had been unlawfully sealed by reserve staff and law enforcement.
On the same day, police forcibly detained Kokhanovska near the Lavra. On April 21, she was placed under 24-hour house arrest and informed of charges under Article 161, Part 1 (inciting religious enmity and hatred).
On August 15, Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) officers conducted a search at her apartment, and the following day, the SBU presented her with a new charge under Part 2 of Article 436-2 (denial of Russian aggression).