Saint Tikhon's Seminary Announces New "Legacy Society"

The nation's oldest Orthodox Seminary has launched a new initiative designed to secure the future of Orthodox Theological education in America.
South Canaan, PA—The announcement came just before noon on the seminary's social media.
This exclusive organization honors those committed to supporting the seminary through planned gifts, ensuring the future of Orthodox theological education for generations to come.
Partnering with FreeWill, an online estate planning tool, the Legacy Society seeks to assist benefactors in leaving their estate to the Seminary, and "recognizes those who have included the seminary in their will, trust, or beneficiary designations".
"To honor your generosity and dedication, members receive:
- Special seminary progress reports
- Invitations to members' meetings
- Exclusive invitations to seminary events
- A heartfelt gift of welcome"
The St. Tikhon of Zadonsk Monastery and Seminary have served as a pillar of Orthodox education and spirituality since the compounds founding by St. Tikhon of Moscow—then the ruling hierarch of the Russian American Metropolia. Programs like the Legacy Society ensure that this great gift bequeathed to the American people by St. Tikhon continues to blossom and bear fruit.
Read the full announcement here.