OCU calls the new "bishop" of Philadelphia UOC-KP a scoundrel

Eustratiy Zoria called F. Denisenko and other participants in the “episcopal ordination” of the secretary of the UOC-KP vicariate in the USA and Canada as “shameful”.
The spokesman of the OCU Eustratiy Zoria criticized Filaret Denisenko and other participants in the "episcopal consecration" of the secretary of the vicariate of the Kyiv Patriarchate in the USA and Canada Bogdan Zgoba as "bishop" of Philadelphia. On his Facebook page, Zoria called the participants of the event held on December 14, 2021 at the Vladimir Cathedral of the UOC-KP in Kyiv "shameful in God's temple".

The spokesman of the OCU described the new “bishop” Bogdan Zgoba as a “blazing scoundrel” and called on God to ban all participants in the “ordination” from the priesthood. “Those who, having gathered on the feast of Philaret the Merciful, create disgrace in God's temple, calling a deliberate villain ‘worthy’ – may the Lord forbid,” wrote Zoria.
We will remind, earlier Epiphany Dumenko chided Filaret Denisenko “for violating the canonical order and statute” of the OCU by “tonsuring Bogdan Zgoba as a monk”. Filaret replied that the “priest” from the United States is not under the jurisdiction of the OCU, since the Tomos prohibits this structure from having foreign parishes.
As reported by the UOJ, Filaret had “ordained” the “bishop” of Philadelphia.