Inventor of suicide capsule creates implant to kill Alzheimer patients

A scientist from Australia suggests using an implant to end the life of people suffering from dementia and other mental disorders.
Australian Dr Philip Nitschke, who in 2017 invented and actively promoted the so-called ‘suicide capsule’, is planning to create a body implant for people with dementia that would kill its user if they forget to deactivate it, reports the Dailymail.
In this case, a deadly poison will automatically enter the human body.
Philip Nitschke is a former physician whose medical license was suspended following a scandal and suspicion of assisting a patient's suicide in 2014. He is an active supporter of voluntary withdrawal from life, the founder and head of the voluntary euthanasia campaign Exit International.
A fatal implant is offered to be implanted not only in the elderly and sick but also in young healthy people. Indeed, in a number of countries, medical suicide is legal only with the informed consent of the patient, which is impossible with some mental diseases.
The new form of euthanasia has been hailed as genocide of elderly people with dementia.
Delayed euthanasia has already been introduced in the Netherlands – a person can “order death” in ten years in case of an illness that deprives him of a clear mind.
Medical suicide has already been legalized in the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote about this dubious tendency for Orthodox Christians in Western society and the presentation of euthanasia as an inalienable human right in a democratic society.