Polish Church addresses Phanar over OCU actions

The Polish Orthodox Church is concerned about the visit of representatives of the OCU to its canonical territory.
The Polish Orthodox Church has turned to the Patriarchate of Constantinople for clarification regarding the visit to Poland of the former Metropolitan of the UOC, and now the “Metropolitan” of the OCU, Alexander Drabinko, writes the “Religiina Pravda” (“Religious Truth”).
In December 2021, Drabinko met with the Consul General of Ukraine to Krakow Viacheslav Voinarovsky. Sources in the OCU told the “Religiina Pravda” that there could be no grounds for claims since Alexander Drabinko came to Poland as a private person.
However, at the meeting between the consul and the “metropolitan”, according to the official statement, “the provision of the spiritual, cultural and educational needs of the large Ukrainian community in Poland” was discussed. The desire of the OCU representatives to “provide for spiritual needs” in the canonical territory of the Polish Orthodox Church may be a cause for concern.
As reported, the Polish Orthodox Church considers Epifaniy Dumenko a layman.