Riasniki: Invader of UOC temples wants to give church to Ostroh reserve

Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council Sergei Kondrachuk again tries to take away the Holy Protection Church from the UOC believers.
The Rivne Regional Council released a draft decision by which the church in the village of Riasniki is to be transferred to the cultural reserve in the city of Ostroh, reports a UOJ correspondent. The project was initiated by Sergei Kondrachuk, the head of the Rivne Regional Council, who has taken part in seizures of UOC churches in the Rivne Eparchy.
The document posted on the official website of the regional council states:
"To include in the list of objects of common property of territorial communities of the region a religious building, a monument of architecture of local importance – Pokrovsky (Protection) Church (wooden), 1911, security number 65-Rv, located on the territory of Babyn united territorial community of the village of Riasniki of the Rivne district".
Also, the document defines who will administer the church in the village of Riasniki if the project is voted for at the next session of the regional council.
"To determine the balance keeper of the building specified in paragraph 2 of the decision, the communal institution "State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Ostroh" of the Rivne Regional Council and assign it to the communal institution "State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Ostroh" of the Rivne Regional Council on the right of operational management," the draft says.
The inter-faith conflict in the village of Riasniki has been going on since 2014. Throughout the entire period, twice the heads of the Rivne regional administration issued a decision on alternate services in the Holy Protection Church of Riasnyki, which provoked new rounds of violent confrontations.
As reported, the Rivne official who seized churches promised to continue "assisting" the OCU.