Odessa Eparchy of UOC helps to equip and supply a bomb shelter

Clerics of the UOC eparchy bought and delivered food for long-term storage, blankets, mattresses and pillows to a bomb shelter in the Primorsky District of Odessa.
On March 8, 2022, the Odessa Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as part of the "Good unites" charity project helped to equip and supply a bomb shelter in the Primorsky district of Odessa, reports the UOC eparchy on its Youtube channel.
Aleksey Leonov, a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, addressed the clergy with a request to help with the equipment of the bomb shelter. Clerics of the UOC delivered to the bomb shelter long-term storage products, blankets, mattresses and pillows to provide accommodation for residents of the nearby houses.
Also that day, the Odessa Eparchy handed over 50 food parcels for large families and families whose fathers and husbands have gone to defend Ukraine. "Together we can do so much more! We are waiting for everyone who can and wants to make this world better," the eparchy said.