Muslims, Jews, RCC, UGCC and OCU pray at moleben in Lviv temple

An ecumenical prayer was held in the "Garrison" temple of the UGCC in Lviv with the participation of the confessions of the city.
On May 6, 2022, an ecumenical prayer service was held in the “Garrison” temple of the UGCC in Lviv, which was participated by the “hierarchs” of the OCU, the UGCC, the RCC, the Armenian Church, Jews, Protestants, as well as the Islamic imam. The live broadcast of the event was conducted by the UGCC Zhyve TV resource.
The prayer service began with the traditional exclamation “Blessed is our God, always, now and forever and forever and ever”, singing the Easter troparion, “Trisagion”, etc. Then the representatives of confessions prayed for Ukraine: Volodymyr Grutsa (UGCC), Oleksandr Kusiy (RKC ), "Metropolitans" Makary Maletich and Dmitry Rudyuk (OCU), Karapet Gharibyan (Armenian Church), Murat Suleymanov (Islam), Oleg Bodnar (Evangelical Christian Baptists), Vladimir Yakimiv (Christians of the Evangelical Faith), Mikhail Gordus (Judaism).
The service was attended by the Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovyi, other representatives of the city and regional authorities, military personnel.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that according to Phanar, ecumenism is needed by everyone who calls themselves Christians.