Rage and bashing: a new video of seizure of UOC temple published on the Web

When trying to take over the temple, the OCU cleric hit the UOC priest over the head.
A new video footage of an attempt to seize the church in honor of St. Nicholas in the village of Kolodne, Ternopil region, is available on the Web. Evidence of lawlessness was published in the Orthodox Shumshchyna group on Facebook.
In the video, in addition to the aggressive attack on the parishioners of the UOC, who were defending their shrine, the “clergyman” of the OCU can be seen hitting over the head of the rector of the church, Archpriest Alexander.
According to local residents, the temple in Kolodne was eventually defended, but the head of the UTC intends to “transfer” the community despite the fact that there are now several OCU churches in the village.
Recall that when trying to seize the church of St. Nicholas in vlg. Kolodne, supporters and "priests" of the OCU dragged and threw parishioners to the ground.