RF Supreme shaman thanks colleagues for ritual for “SMO” participants

On October 9, shamans of Russia held a common rite in support of the military.
The Supreme shaman of Russia Kara-ool Dopchun-ool thanked Russian shamans for their common rite in support of Russian servicemen. His words of gratitude to his colleagues were published on the official page of the Supreme Shaman’s Office in the Russian social network "VKontakte".
"Shamans of our great native Russia, you all did well. Very necessary rites were performed. To all shamans of Russia, I wish happiness and success in further strengthening our homeland and keeping our warriors in good luck and wellbeing, so that they would be invulnerable to bullets and danger," the message reads.
The rites of shamanism (during which a shaman is believed to communicate with spirits) were performed on October 9 at 9 a.m. Moscow time "in defence of the land, people and Homeland, for raising and strengthening the spirit of warriors and achieving victory over all enemies of Russia".
As earlier reported, Buryat lamas staged a ritual in support of the mobilised Russian military.