Cheap Patriotism of Raiders

Like animals showing signs of exacerbation in mating season, deputies have restless nights before the elections. Another explanation of new initiatives of Volyn regional council of deputies I do not find.
Elections will be held in autumn. So, candidates should drop out of the skin, proving their importance and patriotism to please the voters. The most patriotic Volynians, whose fingers itch, could fight with the aggressor, going to the military commissariat and voluntary enlisting in the army, but mobilization is too risky PR for them. During the war it might be necessary, not only in words, to shed blood for their Motherland. Besides, there is a risk of rotation delay, and "patriots of mandate" could be late for the elections. It is much safer to spot enemies, without leaving home. To be a hero for some time, it is enough to enroll in a local self-defense squad and run around the village in a balaklava, scaring the townsfolk. One can think of who should be defended from in a peaceful area, away from the front line. One can always find an acting enemy and, if possible, manages to convince all around that this enemy is true. In addition, it can be a battle without the risk of “getting a bullet in the forehead” or having other unpleasant consequences.
Deputies of Volyn regional council from among local self-defense have uncovered a whole network of agents in the name of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Once "they" are of the Moscow Patriarchate, it is a direct proof of their intelligence ties with the Kremlin. Of course, by Putin’s order a local priest repainted the fence and the gate around the church for the holiday, covering graffiti of the local self-defense. Only Putin's agents didn’t happen to attend an art Biennale and didn’t recognise state symbols in this highly artistic "wall" painting. They didn’t even assume that "conscious" citizens could draw state symbols on the wall of the non-state institution. Otherwise, they would have certainly issued a decree to consider the artists idiots. Well, the local religious community didn’t ask deputies of the regional council and the local security service for what colour to paint their own fence in hope that local authorities face more important tasks.
The next act of blatant hostility of the Church towards the Ukrainian state Volyn self-defense saw in the trade network. Kremlin agents raised funds for the restoration of an Orthodox church in the Donetsk region. The unity of the country is understood by aboriginals in common destruction but not in construction. It’s the Orthodox Church that sows "delusion" among believers, calling to stop the fight with the ghosts of the past, to find a way to mutual understanding and common prosperity. His Beatitude Onufriy, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, calls the East and the West of Ukraine to forgive each other without conventions and start joint projects, because the alternative to following God's commandments is a total self-destruction
A bad example turned out to be contagious: now Ternopil compatriots of Volyn "natsikantrops", not having support in the local councils, accused the power bodies of serving the Kremlin. Although there is a suspicion that the initiative comes from visiting tourists. How can it be explained that a resident of the Ternopil region did not see a many-thousand religious procession of his fellow citizens to the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God, and claims about stagnation of the Church?
Although a certain Nazar Bozhenko placed his publication in the regional Internet paper, it sounded like TSN propaganda school. Even the style is alike, to say nothing of the primitive misinterpretatio
Kings of the earth have to listen to the indisputable authority of the words of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and court jesters in hoods are smacked in the royal stables and denied favours when they are no longer needed.
Well, to scare readers of a repetition of the events in Mukachevo is generally the top of unprecedented stupidity. "In the Greek room, in the Greek room ... We're white!", or alike. Without the Right Sector no agent of the Kremlin would have been able to start shooting and make resistance in the wood. And the Right Sector just “grazes” on preaching of a nationalist-chau
If the author does not like a particular monastery, he has the right to build his own on their territory assigned by the executive committee. To impose your own regulations, when it’s not welcome, is called corporate raiding and self-seizure, for which the state must learn how to slap on the wrists for the common European future. In the European Union human rights are respected, and there for no excuse a raider, who is unable to engage in dialogue in a decent society, is welcome.
The heroism shows itself in the battle with a powerful enemy, and those, who are making war in the rear in hope to dodge the draft, hide their cowardice in lofty matters. It has much in common with the pattern of behaviour of the ex-prisoners, returning from places not so remote: the lower their criminal status was, the more they show off, making up for flawed feelings.