"The Orthodox Church in Modern Ukraine" – Ray of Truth in Flood of Lies (PDF)

This brochure is a ray of truth in an endless flood of lies, which is spread today into the hearts and souls of our compatriots by hostile forces to our long-suffering Motherland. Those souls who are clothed in the "breastplate of righteousness" and carry a "shield of faith" (Ephesians 13: 14-16), remain immune to this poison. But those who are still weak, not approved in the Spirit the word of God and unable to distinguish the truth from falsehood, are easily offended and fall victim of the accuser (διάβολος al-Greek).
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has always been the soul of her people. She shares with her flock grief and tears, joy and sadness. She has no other interests than those which are commanded to her by her Head, the Lord Jesus Christ – the salvation of souls entrusted to her from the eternal and endless death. This is the only way she lives and operates. Why is she subject to a flood of lies and slander today? Only for one thing – she has not taken the path of hatred and hostility, has not grovelled before the "powers that be", and continues to preach the word of God’s Love and Truth to the Ukrainian people. For that she is hated, persecuted and attacked.
There is nothing surprising or new to us. We remember the words of the Saviour in the Gospel, "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you" (John 15: 20), "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before you" (John 15: 18). God will put everything in its place. But this time, the time of sorrow and trial, is given to us by the Providence of God to separate the chaff from the grain on the Church pasture. Those who believe the world, for whom its values are higher than God's commandments, are offended by the "father of lies" and expelled out of God’s vineyard. Those who remain faithful will further strengthen the spirit of God.
"Unjust, let unjust still; filthy, let him be filthy still; righteous, let him be righteous still, and the holy, let him be holy still. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give every man according to his works" (Revelation 22: 11-12.). For each true believer of the Church there is nothing that would fear him in a stormy sea of life. Each of us thinks to himself for a great comfort to give his life for God and suffer even unto death for our beloved and loving Saviour. "Do not fear those who kill the body, the soul cannot be killed" (Matt. 10:28).
The only thing that fears us is a risk to fall away from God, to become unfaithful to him. I wanted it to be heard by both our persecutors and our executioners. But our cry is not about them. It is about those people who believe mindlessly mass propaganda slandering and blaspheming the only Church in Ukraine, which is an integral part of the Ecumenical Orthodoxy.
We hope that this booklet will help them find the true answers and shed light on the dark veil of falsehood and hypocrisy of some media, presenting a biased and distorted image the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the minds of people. Our prayer and our love are always with our people and our congregation. We call on the blessing of the Lord and cover of the Queen of Heaven to every seeker of salvation wharf on the waves of the stormy sea of life.
Mitred Archpriest Igor Riabko
Prof., Head of the Theology Department, Zaporozhie Classic Private University