Homosexualism advocacy and the so called Domestic Church. Is there any difference?

We are living in a wonderful and crucial time. The time when, as it was said in one popular historic song,
“We’ll break the world of violence down,
and then
we will build our own new world –
he who was nothing is going to become everything.”
A lot of people have obviously recognized by the famous lines above the “International” song – an international hymn of Communist parties, socialists, and anarchists.
This hymn accompanied ruining of the gargantuan Russian Empire, with Ukraine being its integral part, and building of the Soviet Union, wherein Ukraine was not the last country as well.
At the moment everything which was inherited from the USSR is being intensively destroyed to the last piece, and soon there will be left just memories together with flats, designed during Hrushchov and Brezhnev times, which for some reason did not fall under the de-communization law. But while it is comparatively easier to dismantle monuments and re-name streets, it is far more difficult to change the mentality.
At the times when Ukraine used to be a part of Russia and then of the Soviet Union, Kiev authorities zealously fulfilled guidelines of Moscow. Now they are not less zealously fulfilling instructions from other centers. The point is how much these circulars coincide with desires, traditions, and, most importantly, interests of Ukrainians. It’s rather a rhetoric question.
Anyway, working methods of our current Kiev authorities coincide with a famous military slogan: “If you do not know – we will teach you, if you do not want – we will force you.”
In recent days Kiev metro stations have been filled with ads featuring people with sad eyes. Some of them strenuously smile, others yearningly glance. All of them are depicted against the pointless slogan aimed at popularizing among Kiev residents an oncoming parade of sexual minorities, which is affectionately called “Kievpride”. Among these people on the slogan are parliamentary members and journalists, volunteers and civil activists. Apparently, not all of them are homosexuals or hardly even empathetic with such persons. Yet it’s reminiscent of the criminal Soviet regime – “The party said ‘one must!’ The Communist Youth Union responded “okey!”
Family, noble relationships of man and woman, particular virtue, which has always been inherent in Ukrainians – all these mentality features make up (or made up) wealth and dignity of our nation. So what is going on now?
The translation of the English word ‘pride’ is well-known. It’s easy to guess by this action that “Kievpride” organizers, kind of like, want to give the clue – the Ukrainian pride and dignity in a contemporary European ambience must look precisely this way. If you oppose to it – then you are against progress, European values, in a word – you are a Communist caveman.
One shouldn’t be a prophet to understand – our authorities have a certain plan to transform the consciousness of Ukrainians in a particular direction, and the gay-parade-to-be is just an episode in a consistent chain of outreach activities.
Apostle Paul affirms the Church is a Body of Christ. A human being, in his turn, is created after the image and likeness of God. We know that a human body can be indwelt both by the Holy Spirit (e.g. disciples, ascetics, and elders) and dark angels (madness cases). Such state of things nearly always depends on which direction is chosen by a human soul.
Everybody is sure to have heard about the Overton Window discourse. According to it, any, even the most disgusting idea, can be implanted into the public mind and will, and made legal by means of the range of gradual technological tools. From the point of unthinkable – through radical, acceptable, sensible, popular – to policy.
However, a lot of people hardly associate what is going on in our real life today with this theory.
Even half a century ago it was impossible to fancy that certain people would arrange parades in order to create publicity and promote their ugliness and deficiency. Nor was it possible to imagine that Christians, who disagree to such propaganda and defend their beliefs, would be prosecuted. Undoubtedly, it has always been common for the society to have marginalized people having sickly craving for their gender counterparts. Yet, everybody including these marginalized were aware of their problems being deviation from the norm rather than its variant.
At present, with the help of ingenious manipulations with the notions of love and freedom, homosexual relationships are being made equal to regular ones. Protection of the imaginary sodomy discrimination, which is in fact its aggressive propaganda, has become one of the key state policy vector of the Western civilization states, considered Christian not so long ago.
We are living in a world which rests on the harmony law laid by God: man should be with woman, the masculine being inseparable from the feminine. This world order model is fundamental not only for a family but for the existence of any sound society. Neglecting this law inevitably leads to spiritual death of both the individual (sodomy is a deadly sin) and the humanity in general. For it is quite clear if homosexual disease becomes endemic within the state, such state won’t be able to exist for long: birth rate will fall behind the required demographic level for the society.
Whereas homosexualism is a suicide for the soul, promotion of homosexualism is a suicide for the society, – schism is a spiritual suicide of the entity, split away from the Church.
The Church on the Earth was founded by Christ. It was founded with a view to helping a human soul achieve holiness while it still dwells in a human body. Schism is a de facto voluntary refusal from such prospect.
Schism has existed for hundreds of years. Splitting and multiplying, structures that call themselves Christians have acquired cartoon features and forms for now. Having refused from the unity with Christ, schismatics had to knuckle under to the world imperatives, and thus, to encourage their followers to be well disposed to them. Such tendency has been particularly evident in the last decades, when powers that be have demonstrated their favor for homosexualism. The fact that a lot of Protestant “churches” have openly welcomed this sodomy instead of exposing it, became a litmus test for understanding the essence of such “church” organizations. The last of the ilk was a decision of the Scottish Church to permit Its clergy to have homosexual unions.
Interestingly, both gays and schismatics put forward assertive demands to recognize their purportedly trampled rights and to put them on a par with those who have honored God’s laws. On top of that, they believe they deserve love and mercy more than anybody else. However, to demand that a sin, whether it be schism or adulteration (with persons of the same or opposite gender), be no longer a sin – is not a call of mercy, but a call of deceit. It is like to demand that a doctor should not consider a fatal disease to be a disease.
There are no advertisements of the Domestic Church in Kiev underground so far. Nobody from media pundits is watching yearningly from billboards and hoardings so far. Nobody is holding sign plates which call to lobby domestic church parades. So far.
Yet the process is under way – a complex and large-scale process.
Somebody can say the author puts incompatible things and phenomena on an equal footing. They can say ‘what is bad about the Local Church to compare its promotion with the propaganda of sexual perversions?’
In fact, there is nothing wrong about the idea of the Local Church, and it can be proven by the 15 available canonical Domestic Churches of the world which constitute together a single body of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church.
However, an idea of the Local Church has been fully discredited in Ukraine. Why?
As is known, the Church functions in a way similar to any other natural earthly structures and institutes. But its aims, tasks and work mechanisms are supernatural. The Church is alive provided It exists according to the established divine laws (canons).
If an organization that broke away from the Church just calls itself a “church” but does not possess transcendental power and have a celestial connection, the existence of such entity is pointless, useless, and absurd. In essence, it’s deceit and perversion.
This is exactly the case with the UOC KP, a schismatic organization, which is not recognized by any of the Churches in the Orthodox world. It is namely with its help the Ukrainian authorities are trying to construct the so called Domestic Church.
Instead of returning to fold, Ukrainian schismatic organizations have been looking for artful ways of legalizing their status in the society for 25 years now. Just as sexual minorities, the dissenters are toying with concepts “love” and “freedom”, trying hard to enter the Orthodox community through the back door.
In Ukraine there has been launched a large-scale campaign aimed to defame the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and promote its “court” structure – the UOC KP. It is directed to convince Ukrainians in the necessity of the UOC split with a view to creating the so called Local Church on its fragments and seek a legal status for this “church”. Even some representatives of the canonical Church take part in this campaign. In particular, protopriest Georgiy Kovalenko has recently declared “canon should embody love rather than be a stumbling block”. Vicar bishop Alexandr (Drabinko) also expressed an unordinary idea what is necessary to create such a unified entity: “In search of the way to resolve this complicated historic situation, it’s worth recalling fundamental values of Christianity – freedom, love, and forgiveness”.
It’s indicative, the Domestic Church is supposed to be called the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the way the only canonical Church in Ukraine is registered.

Such conclusion can be made if to refer to the statement of Kiev Patriarchate speaker Evstratiy (Zoria): “A recognized Church will bear the name “Ukrainian Orthodox Church” and there will be no need to specify it is of the Kiev Patriarchate”. Curious enough, an official site of the President of Ukraine has already begun to call the Kiev Patriarchate as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (without KP). It can hardly be interpreted as a mere ignorance, since this “novelty” was immediately caught up by “112” channel and other Ukrainian media outlets. It’s more likely to be an element of political technologies, with the help of which Ukrainians are being prepared for the “required” changes, according to Joseph Overton’s conceptual idea.
As a matter of curiosity, showing a customary interest and piety for opinions of foreign experts, opinions of hierarchs of the world’s Orthodox Churches are totally swept under the carpet. The latter try to bring home that such Frankenstein made up from various schismatic elements, will not receive recognition by Orthodoxy.
The Patriarch of Serbia characterized one of the key facets of the anticipated Local Church in the following way: "By their fruit you will recognize them, says Holy Scriptures (Mt. 7:16). Evil can dress itself up in the clothes of faith, light and truth but its fruits – falsehood, division and hate of the neighbor – will invariably expose it. Schismatics from the so-called ‘Patriarchate of Kiev’ have long been renounced by Orthodox Churches and refer to Orthodoxy only by name. And their disdain for the norms of Christian morality and readiness to hate, to lie and to spill blood is a living proof of it".
The fate, awaiting dissenters of Ukraine, has been fully demonstrated by Protestants in Europe. A benevolent attitude of such confessions to sodomy is just a small feature of their ugly appearance.
On April 26, at the meeting of President of the country Petro Poroshenko with representatives of the Pan-Ukrainian Church Council and religious organizations, in which participated Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Onuphriy, it was only His Beatitude who clearly and resolutely spoke of risks related to legalizing homosexual unions in Ukraine. The rest attendees, including the Kiev Patriarchate members, took a back seat.
Currently, the President announced there will be no same-sex marriages in Ukraine.
Yet, taking into account political and economic dependence of contemporary Ukraine on European states and the USA, one can be confident such position of the President is temporary, like all his promises. Hence, one can also be sure that chief executives of the Kiev Patriarchate, who follow the Ukrainian state authorities in everything, including the need in waging a fratricidal war in Donbass, will certainly become gays if it becomes a public guideline. It’ll not happen at once, but it’ll inevitably happen. Just because there will be no alternative at all: a colossus, resting upon clay pillars of the government, will collapse without these supports.
It’s no secret that a lot of processes both in a human soul and in a society are influenced by the world of angels. As a rule, not by its best representatives. Hardly anyone will argue to the fact that both church schism and homosexual schism are brought about namely by this phenomenon. Atheists and agnostics find it extremely difficult to resist this impact. Orthodox people, in their turn, are happy to dispose of the rich evangelic and patristic legacy.
Long before Overton’s theory, revealing the technology of introducing the gaudiest and dirtiest concepts into the society, Saint Fathers of the Orthodox Church worked out a system of counteraction with evil forces that influence human souls and minds. If we compare them, we will get quite a curious picture.
DREAM (appearance of an idea) |
CONFLUENCE (accepting an idea) |
FUSION (agreeing to an idea) |
CAPTIVITY (getting enslaved by an idea) |
The theses laid down in the teaching how to fight with thoughts are a telling example of methods used by dark forces in adventing detrimental ideas into a human soul. It’s definitely wrong to see it as a pure coincidence that these methods completely coincide with the tools of introducing detrimental ideas into a human society.
Indeed, the nature of a homosexual and schismatic sin is different, yet their generation and function mechanism is identical.
A human being is created so that living in socium, he grows very much dependent on external information sources, especially, if these sources are intrusive, repetitive, and fraudulent. In laymen terms it is simply called malign influence. In order to get rid of such influence one should eliminate such source of information (out of sight – out of mind) or posses a particular inner alert and discipline, which was thoroughly interpreted by the Saint Fathers of the Church.
Nowadays we have broad and free access to abundant knowledge on everything. Yet everybody must decide for themselves how this knowledge is to be used.