No compromise: what the UOC Synod's address to the faithful is about

The UOC Synod urged believers to protect the Lavra by legal means. What does this mean and how will it be perceived by the faithful and the authorities of the country?
On March 20, 2023, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in its fullness arrived under the Office of the President of Ukraine. The Synod wanted to meet the head of state in person and present him with their address, in which they explained the position of the UOC on several issues. But the main purpose of the visit was simple – to persuade Volodymyr Zelenskyy that everything that is going on around the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra is of no use to him and the state in general. The Lavra is a holy place for every Orthodox heart, and to take it away means to tear off a piece from the hearts of millions of Ukrainian citizens, parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
The President, as we remember, did not accept the synodals. The reason for such a decision was trivially stated as "there is no meeting with the Synod of the UOC in the schedule of the head of the state". Therefore, on the evening of that day, the appeal to the President was published on the website of the UOC.
Everyone was expecting that on the same day, there would be an appeal from the Synod to the clergy and laity of our Church because as a rule, it happened that way – letters to the President and believers appeared on the same day. However, not this time.
The appeal to the laity and clergy of the UOC appeared two days after the Synod. What is the reason for the delay and what exactly does the Synod's message say? Let's figure it out.
Two days for Zelenskyy
In the article "'Visit to the Minotaur', or Why did the Synod go to the President?", we mentioned that the UOC, represented by its synodal hierarchs, chose the path of the Gospel, not radicalization. Let us recall that this path led Christ to Golgotha. The opposite movement to this path is also mentioned in the Gospel: Christ was crucified instead of Barabbas, a man who rebelled against Roman rule. In other words, those who saw weakness and unwillingness to resist the godless (from the Jews' point of view) Romans sentenced the Savior to Golgotha. The crowd shouting in the square before Pilate, "Crucify Him! His blood is on us and on our children!" made not a religious choice but a political one. For 2000 years, the Church has constantly faced a similar temptation: to choose the Cross or the party? The UOC has chosen the Cross.
The cross does not suggest radicalism politically, because it is radical in a spiritual sense. In fact, it is such a tough decision that from the outside it might seem crazy. But remember what the Apostle Paul says? "We are fools for Christ's sake."
So, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has taken Via Dolorosa. And they made it clear in their appeal to the President: we receive thousands of requests for a blessing to defend the Lavra, and it is completely clear what all of this means - that the faithful are ready to suffer for Christ. "What will be your answer?" the synodals asked Zelenskyy. And they gave him two days to think about it. Why? Again, following the Gospel: if your brother has something against you, go and make peace with him first, and then offer your sacrifice. The synodals made this attempt at reconciliation. Zelenskyy did not understand this, or if he did, he pretended not to.
That is why on March 23, the Holy Synod published its appeal to the faithful of the UOC. What is it about?
War to some, boon to others
The Synod, in its address to the faithful, reminded them of what the laity and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church did during the war. This is not only about humanitarian aid, the scale of which exceeds many times the aid of all the other religious organizations of Ukraine taken together, here we are talking about the most precious and valuable thing that a man has – his life.
Indeed, if we take into account that the UOC is the largest denomination in Ukraine, which has 12, 000 churches, thousands of priests and millions of laymen, it is not difficult to realize that the number of our believers at the front is in the tens of thousands. For example, in the ranks of the Azovstal defenders, there was a brother of UOC spokesperson Mykola Danylevych, and a brother of Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia died at the front. The priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church hold funeral services for their children who died with weapons on the front line. Could there be anything more tragic for a father? Church parishioners risk their lives every day to defend Ukraine, they shed blood and die for it.
And what do they get in return? Decisions of officials to take away their Lavra, close churches and monasteries, and ban the Church. Can we say that such decisions serve the good of Ukraine? No, of course not. They only serve to divide our people as much as possible, they are dictated by short-term political benefits. You must agree that it is much easier to prove your "patriotism" by banning the Lavra than by defending Ukraine in Bakhmut. That's what they are trying to do.
"You build, and we will take away."
Tkachenko, Yelenskyy, and other representatives of the Ukrainian political establishment are loudly claiming that the UOC violated some rules of operation in the "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Reserve". Commissions are appointed, checks are carried out, etc., in order to understand what exactly was "violated". These accusations would be justified if the UOC had received the Lavra in perfect condition, both in terms of architecture, infrastructure, and everything else and after 30 years of operation, returned it in a ruined and abandoned state. But it is exactly the opposite.
There are many videos and photos on the Internet that clearly show and tell us what the Lavra was like before the first UOC monks came there. For example, there was no Dormition Cathedral at all. The monastery buildings, household buildings, caves, and everything else was in a terrible dilapidated state. The monks took it over and repaired and restored, constructed and patched up what was needed. But, in all simplicity, they did not think to make "acceptance documents" so that it would be clear what changes have taken place in the monastery. This was pointed out by Bishop Pavel when he said, "They handed the monastery over to us without appointing any commissions." But now they have appointed them.
So, the Synod not only reminded us of what the Lavra was like before the UOC arrived but also hinted that the current actions of the authorities are wrong and immoral.
Compromise with conscience
The Synod's message contains an interesting phrase which, on closer examination, may turn out to be the main thought of the whole document. After thanking the faithful for their support, the synodals expressed their conviction that "no cause will be able to break our firm will to uphold holy Orthodoxy".
Further urging courageous adherence to the Truth, they cited the words of St. Mark of Ephesus, "the great champion of holy Orthodoxy", who teaches, " There is no middle ground between the Truth and a Lie."
Recall that St Mark became known for his irreconcilable position towards Catholicism. At the Council of Florence in 1438, practically all the Orthodox bishops decided to make concessions to the Catholics in order to gain military support from Rome in the struggle against the Muslims standing under the walls of Constantinople. The bishops urged each other that "compromises" were justified – after all, not only Constantinople but also the remains of the Byzantine Empire were at stake.
However, St. Mark of Ephesus disagreed with that approach. He believed that in matters of faith, even in the face of death, there can be no compromise. Because temporary political dividends will not save an immortal soul from eternal death.
It seems that our synodals, too, have made it clear to the authorities that they will not make concessions in matters of faith. And such concessions are demanded of them today.
For example, very recently Minister of Culture Tkachenko said that the monks could stay in the monastery. When asked under what conditions, he replied that "they know". It is clear that this "condition" is the recognition of the OCU. Metropolitan Pavel, the abbot of the Lavra and Metropolitan Meletius spoke about the demands of the authorities to join Dumenko’s structure.
And everything indicates that today the authorities are trying to "persuade" the UOC episcopate to agree with the OCU by using the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra as "a bargaining chip”. Well, we can say that in the Synod's address to the faithful, the authorities received the answer as to whether the UOC agreed to make concessions to the schismatics.
Legitimate protection of the Lavra
In conclusion, the Synod spoke about what they warned Zelenskyy – the people will protect the Lavra. The hierarchs called on believers to "strengthen their faith, intensify their prayers and protect our most precious shrine – the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra – by all lawful means".
Note that there is no mention of radical measures here. It is not said to protect the Lavra "by any means available". No, only by lawful means. This call to obey the law from those whose rights are trampled on is especially noteworthy. Our Church always acts within the framework of Ukrainian legislation. We do not call people to revolution, we do not educate "combat detachments" and we do not make plans to overthrow the current government. Our believers have not taken a single church from the schismatics, they do not cut off church locks with grinders, and they do not beat other Christians, tearing off their fingers with crowbars. Unlike representatives of the OCU and the UGCC, our believers go to church with a prayer book, not a hammer, and protect their shrines with prayer, not with swearing and cursing. Do you know why? Because this is what Christ taught us.
And there is no doubt that the same will be true for the Lavra: the monastery parishioners will come with prayer on their lips, to suffer from those whose lips are only familiar with curses. We will come without weapons. Rather, our weapon will be prayer. And not only those who will stand under the walls of the Lavra will pray but also those who cannot come, who are at home, or in the church, or in a trench at the front, who will open a prayer book and say: "Lord! Hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you" (Ps. 101, 2).
And the Lord will hear because He always hears those who suffer and are persecuted.