"Mega Archimandrite", stolen watch and Phanar traditions

The “Great Archimandrite” stole an expensive watch and was banned from priesthood. How did this person get to the top of the Phanar career ladder?
On April 17, 2023, a serious scandal erupted in Turkey due to the theft of a watch in an antique shop. The watch is expensive – almost 25,000 euros. The moment of the theft of the watch was caught on surveillance cameras, and the person who stole it was caught by the police very quickly and promptly. He was charged with suspicion and detained until all the circumstances were clarified.
As it turned out later, the thief turned out to be not a mere mortal, but one of the highest-ranking functionaries of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Agafangelos Siskos.
The “story with the clock” caused a real sensation in Turkey precisely because the archimandrite is a very prominent figure in the Phanar, having numerous “spiritual” children and admirers. But what is especially interesting is that Agafangel was also especially close to Patriarch Bartholomew. For example, he was the archivist of the head of the Phanar (keeper of his archive). Bartholomew, in turn, supported Agafangel and placed rather high hopes on him, preparing him for even greater posts. There was even information in Phanariot circles that Agafangelos was being considered as a candidate for the post of Archbishop of America to replace Elpidophoros, with whom Bartholomew is very dissatisfied (not because of the sensational story of the baptism of homosexual children, but because he is reshaping the Phanariot exarchate in the USA to his discretion). Therefore, Agafangelos was destined for a "bright future."
What is "Μέγα Αρχιμανδρίτη"?
Agafangelos Siskos already in 2021 receives the title of "great archimandrite" (in Greek it sounds like "Μέγα Αρχιμανδρίτη"), which can also be translated as "chief archimandrite". By and large, this title is one of the highest spiritual titles in the Patriarchate of Constantinople. There cannot be several “Great Archimandrites”: only one person can have this title.
According to tradition, this title is assigned to a monk who has extensive experience in monastic life, high spirituality and holds a serious position in the patriarchy. His responsibilities and capabilities include:
- management of monasteries, educational institutions, charitable organizations and other institutions of the Church;
- leading divine services, especially important ceremonies and celebrations;
- ensuring the correct implementation of the canonical norms and laws of the Church;
- teaching theology, the formation of the spiritual culture of monks, clerics and believers;
- missionary work and preaching of the faith;
- maintaining links with other Churches and religious organizations.
It was these tasks that Patriarch Bartholomew drew attention to when, in 2021, he bestowed on Agafangelos the title of “great archimandrite”: “You will respect and fully observe the order and charter of the Great Church, you will practically and daily teach this to your younger brothers, all their beloved children about the Lord, and then others, and thus tradition, order, decency, simplicity and piety will continue uninterrupted."
That is, as we see, “Μέγα Αρχιμανδρίτη” is a kind of keeper of the traditions and legends of the Phanar, which Bartholomew pointed out to Agafangelos: “The most important thing is to be real Phanariots, committed to the Phanar and what it means, embodies, expresses, preaches and proclaims – to the high and holy that is worthy of dedicating your whole life to."
As we understand, people who bear such responsibility cannot live in misery, they have very serious salaries. But why did it happen that the great archimandrite decided to steal a watch worth 25,000 euros?
Who is Agafangel Siskos?
Archimandrite Agafangelos (secular name Zisis) Siskos was born into a family of fur traders on May 8, 1985 in Kastoria. Having received a secondary education, he continued his studies at the gymnasium at the United Spiritual Lyceum of the city of Florina. In 2004, he entered the Theology Department of the Theological Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Having shown the third result in the exams, he received a state scholarship and in 2008 graduated from the faculty with an “excellent” mark.
In 2011 he defended his dissertation on Simeon the New Theologian and became a master of dogmatics. A completely successful career as a scholar and just a young and educated young man is interrupted by military service, and not just anywhere, but in the Air Force. At the same time, which is especially interesting, Zisis Siskos managed to combine military service with participation in international conferences, primarily in ecumenical ones. For example, in Kingston, Jamaica in May 2011 as part of the delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Already on November 21, 2012, Patriarch Bartholomew ordained Siskos as a deacon, two weeks later, on December 6, 2012, he became a priest, and on January 5, 2013 (a month after the consecration!) – Agafangel Siskos is already an archimandrite! In February 2013, by the decision of the Phanar synod, Siskos was appointed secretary of the official journal of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Pravoslavie, and from April 2013 he received the position of Patriarchal Librarian and Archivist, which makes him responsible for the Patriarchal Library. In addition to all this, Agafangelos, as part of the Phanar delegations, actively participates in inter-religious and inter-Christian dialogue. In 2021, he becomes a "great archimandrite".
As you can see, the church career of Agafangelos is kick-started, inexplicable by any rational factors. But for what particular merits did Patriarch Bartholomew bring closer to himself and bestow the title of “great archimandrite” on someone who just yesterday was a layman, who did not shine with special talents and services to the Church? What exactly is he special in? Is it only intellectual? Hardly. There are many smart guys studying in Thessaloniki, but not all of them fall into the orbit of the Phanar's interests (especially while serving in the Air Force). So why did Siskos fly so high? Why is he so special?
Phanar, State Department and CIA
Let's just say – this is a very "special" feature. But first things first.
It is known that Phanar receives full support from the US State Department, and this organization works directly with the CIA (for example, Mike Pompeo was first director of the CIA and then became head of the US State Department). Therefore, it is not surprising that when people in Istanbul talk about Phanar, they call it the “US Embassy in Turkey”, while Patriarch Bartholomew is accused of having links with the CIA (and not only he). What does the CIA and the State Department have to do with our history? Maybe nothing or maybe something direct.
We do not undertake to assert, but we will make an assumption based on some data.
We all understand that a random person cannot fall into the number of people who are especially close to Patriarch Bartholomew. Moreover, he cannot go from layman to archimandrite and custodian of the patriarchal archive in a month. Even if he has outstanding mental abilities (judging by the story with the watch, Agafangelos has problems with his mind), he would need something else to be someone's protégé. Someone strong and powerful.
The intelligence services of the leading powers, especially the State Department and the CIA, are famous for their ability to search for and find "reliable" people in other countries who "will not let you down" and "will not betray", but at the same time will work at full capacity. Such people are selected, promoted to serious positions, helped in their careers, etc. But most importantly, experts select people with some, shall we say, weaknesses. Usually it is money, vices or resentment. Playing on these weaknesses, keeping a person on a leash of compromising evidence, he can be forced to do anything and at the same time he is easy to control.
But what about Siskos?
"Nude" scandal
In 2018, the Greek newspaper Makeleio News published scandalous photographs indicating that the then Archimandrite of the Phanar, Agafangelos Siskos, was looking for sexual partners on the Internet. The publication claimed that Siskos focused "on boys" and, upon request, sent everyone his photos in the nude. Then a real scandal broke out among Greek-speaking Christians, however, Patriarch Bartholomew did not respond to it. Or rather, he responded by elevating Siskos to the rank of "mega-archimandrite."
Photo of the Makeleio News newspaper with materials about Siskos
Such an act can only be explained by the fact that when he saw the naked photos of his archivist, Patriarch Bartholomew could not believe his eyes. Even if he did, he did not punish Agafangelos due to some reasons unknown to us.
But even after the “great archimandrite” stole the watch, the patriarch did everything to hush up the scandal as soon as possible. So, he was released from the prison, which Agafangel was taken to, by the head of Patriarch Bartholomew’s guard. This fact, by the way, is clear evidence that the head of the Phanar is not in such a disastrous position in Turkey, as the pro-fanariot media show.
True though, after the “hourly” scandal, Agafangelos was banned from priesthood, but there is reason to think that when the passions subside, we will still see the “great archimandrite” in one of the Phanariot dioceses or exarchates. It is quite possible that in Ukraine. Fortunately, the “mega-archimandrite” will find friends among the OCU quickly. Moreover, just the other day, sources in the Patriarchate of Constantinople reported that Archimandrite Agafangelos went ... to the Orthodox center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, located in Chambesy (Switzerland) with a document in his hands that he "has the priesthood intact."
It is clear that such a mild punishment of a person holding such a high position in the Phanar caused bewilderment among believers who demanded to deprive the patriarchal archivist of his rank. However, the Greek press writes that Archimandrite Agafangelos knows "too many secrets of the patriarchal court, and it is not beneficial for anyone to go to excesses with him."
The lawless invasion of Ukraine and the sharp amnesia about the lack of dignity among the members of the OCU is not the only feature of the activities of the current Phanar functionaries. Unfortunately, we are once again convinced that the modern representatives of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in their actions are far from the Holy Scriptures or the Tradition of the Church, no matter how much they rant about their significance.
All the efforts of the Phanar and the US authorities to establish the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the world as an unconditional moral and Christian authority are becoming increasingly absurd. The promotion of the LGBT agenda, full support for the gender and pro-abortion policies of the US government, ignoring repressions against the UOC in Ukraine and other facts show that all claims of Patriarch Bartholomew to be “the first without equals” in Orthodoxy are groundless and even ridiculous.
Moreover, this truth will be more and more evident with each new story of another Agafangelos.