Blocking UOJ: What's next?

The SBU responded to MP Dmytruk why the UOJ is blocked. In short, there are no arguments. Obviously, the reason is our criticism of the government and the SBU itself.
The website of the Union of Orthodox Journalists (UOJ) is being actively blocked by the SBU. We have been blacklisted by Vodafone, Life, Lanet, and other providers.
On December 16, 2023, the State Special Communications and Information Protection Service of Ukraine published an order according to which a number of resources, including the website of the Union of Orthodox Journalists, should be blocked in Ukraine. This was done following an appeal by the Security Service of Ukraine.
In essence, the largest Orthodox resource in the country, which defends the interests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, is being muzzled by the security forces. But for what reason?
On December 21, MP Artem Dmytruk sent a deputy appeal regarding the UOJ to the head of the SBU, V. Maliuk, in which he pointed out that the journalists of the resource "despite threats and persecution from individual radical organizations for many years, actively defend the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the parishioners of which number no less than 6 million Ukrainians."
A. Dmytruk rightly writes that the document of the State Special Communications Service on blocking the UOJ does not indicate "on what basis this order was issued and for what purpose." In connection with this, the MP asked Maliuk to provide information on the reasons for the order of December 16, 2023, No. 910/1771 on blocking the resource. In simpler terms, how does the UOJ threaten the security of Ukraine that the SBU decided to target the website?
In the response letter signed by the deputy head of the SBU, Serhii Andrushchenko, no specific facts were provided to MP Artem Dmytruk. Andrushchenko stated that the SBU "within the framework of the tasks assigned" monitors the media "to identify threats to the national security of Ukraine in the information sphere, as well as to counteract special information operations against Ukraine aimed at undermining the constitutional order, violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, exacerbating the socio-political and socio-economic situation."
"As a result of such activities and in the presence of grounds provided for by law, the SBU takes appropriate measures in accordance with regulatory legal acts," Andrushchenko replied to Artem Dmytruk, adding that "certain legislative acts prohibit the dissemination of information obtained during such activities."
In other words, the SBU simply listed the "assigned tasks" to Dmytruk, which security forces are dealing with in the information sphere, while "classifying" what exactly the UOJ "sinned" with in the SBU's view. It's reminiscent of an old cartoon's main character, who brought a package, but "only I won't give it to you because you don't have any documents."
In similar cases, the SBU specifically names violations committed by representatives of a particular media outlet.
For example, in the ban on the NewsOne TV channel, the SBU, in a letter to the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting, writes that the channel's broadcasts "systematically use clichés of Russian propaganda," which "inspire destructive sentiments in Ukrainian society." And everything is accompanied by examples of when and on which broadcasts this happened.
As we can see, there are no indications of "information prohibition" regarding NewsOne information outlet – everything is clear and specific.
Why is this not the case with the UOJ? Why didn't they tell the MP what violation our resource committed or how it threatened the national security of the country? It seems the answer is obvious – there was no violation or threat. The UOJ is simply actively involved in exposing the pressure on the UOC and favour for the OCU. Besides, the UOJ sheds light on the activities of the security forces. Often, this coverage puts the SBU in an uncomfortable position.
And there are many examples of this.
For instance, one can recall UOJ publications about leaflets planted by the SBU during searches at the Korets Convent of the UOC or other temples of the Rivne Eparchy; the dissemination of videos about materials planted by the SBU during searches at Metropolitan Jonathan's residence; coverage of unsightly facts regarding the coercion of UOC bishops to switch to the OCU, analytical articles demonstrating the SBU's role in the government's media campaign against the UOC, and more.
Our resource is not engaged in any illegal activities, and there is nothing to openly accuse us of. However, the UOJ has become very inconvenient for the authorities. That is why they are now quietly relegating it quietly.
We'd like to draw attention to another important point. The UOJ is the only resource in Ukraine (and beyond) that consistently and logically criticizes the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) for supporting the war in Ukraine. For this, our detractors from the north labeled the UOJ "SBU agents" and spineless conformists who "lick the boots of the authorities."
You would think that the law enforcement agencies, who have declared the Patriarch and hierarchs of the ROC wanted, should cherish, nurture, and protect these "agents". However, nothing has changed in our relationship with the Security Service of Ukraine during the UOJ's operation since 2015. Previously, our journalists were subjected to searches by the SBU, and "Myrotvorets" published their personal data. Now, the security forces are blocking our website.
Nothing has changed for the UOJ regarding the war either. We sought peace in 2015, and we continue to do so now. Simply because Christ teaches us to be genuine peacemakers, and the Gospel calls us to the same.
Now, more and more providers are including us in the "blacklist", but attempts to block us will lead to nothing. Over 9 years of operation, the UOJ has gained many readers worldwide who trust us. We greatly appreciate this trust and will continue our work.
Ukraine's law enforcement machinery has the resources and power to shut down undesirable websites. However, there is a lack of understanding that information is like air, it permeates everywhere. You can block the air for one person or even a whole group. But you can't fight against the air.
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