Expert: Ecumenical Patriarchate fails to reconcile dissenting parties in the run-up to the Pan-Orthodox Council

"The ROC suggested a real way out, but Constantinople puts all at risk," commented on the debates in relation to the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council theologian Roman Lunkin, reports the "Komsomolskaya Pravda".
"The position of the Patriarchate of Constantinople is at least surprising, since in this case there was no need to initially agree on the principle of consensus. It didn’t manage to organize a discussion between all the Churches, and especially between the dissenting parties," said the scientist.
"Against this background, the ROC has responded to the pre-conciliar crisis immediately, proposing a real way out of the critical situation. The Pre-Council Assembly could postpone the Pan-Orthodox Council, but yet not cancel it. In case of failure, it will hit the image of the entire Orthodox world," says the expert.