A blatant lie about our monastery hinders the dialogue, – Bishop Gedeon

Rector of the Tithe Monastery comments on the case of the cancellation of the registration of the rights to the real estate of the Tithes Church community.
On September 20, the District Administrative Court of Kiev will hold a debate on the case of the church SAF of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Vladimirskaya Street.
As the rector of the Tithes Monastery, Bishop Gedeon (Charon) of Makarov, told a UOJ correspondent he was not notified of that.
"Debates are good when people respect each other and understand – advocates or journalists," said Bishop Gedeon. "But when such an unprecedented, blatant lie about our monastery appears, there's no point in talking to them." Spit on a stone – sparks go. I would like to know who will present the organizers of this debate and then decide who to send there. I'm definitely not going there."
The hierarch noted that the National Museum of the History of Ukraine sued the monastery in spite of all the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine.
"They conduct anti-church propaganda <...> They want to deprive us of the church property against all laws and the Constitution of Ukraine. The statutory limitation was over long ago. And violating the laws of Ukraine, they again opened a criminal case, the hearings began. They want to cancel the decision of the previous court, which was held 7 years ago. That is actions are carried out that entail the initiation of inter-faith hostility," the hierarch said.
Bishop Gedeon also reported that provocations are constantly being conducted against the Tithes Monastery.
"There have been provocations and more than once <...> they came, burned the lights, shouted anti-church slogans. No secret that MP Igor Lutsenko is pedalling this situation," the hierarch said.
As reported earlier, the demand to abolish the registration of the rights to the real estate of the religious community of the Tithes Church will be heard on September 20. The court was to consider two lawsuits against the state registrar filed by the National Museum of the History of Ukraine and MP Igor Lutsenko. Both plaintiffs demand to cancel illegal, in their opinion, registration of the rights to the real estate of the religious community of the Tithes Church.