Tomos hits the top Google searches of Ukrainians

In 2018, Ukrainians have massively searched Google for Tomos.
On December 11, Google published the final rating of the most popular searches of Ukrainian users in 2018. In the “What is ...?” section, Tomos ranks third after bitcoin and measles.
Note that according to a survey conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), 71.5% of respondents do not know or cannot answer what Tomos is. A sociological study, commissioned by the “Media Detector”, was conducted from August 28 to September 24, 2018, in 109 settlements across Ukraine (except for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and territories beyond the control of Ukraine in Donetsk and Lugansk regions), with financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
“The word “Tomos” has become the common word over the past six months, so respondents asked what Tomos is. In fact, now 28.5% of people say that they know, while others honestly admit that they do not know what this concept means,” said KIIS Deputy Director Anton Grushetsky, presenting the research data at the Ukrinform agency.
We recall, on November 18, 2018, “activists” gathered around the Zhitomir Cathedral with signs on which the name “Thomas” was written instead of the church concept “Tomos”.