Seizure does not happen: Activists in Poradovka fail to break open locks

OCU proponents refused to seize by force St. Vladimir's Church of the UOC, although they tried to do this with a chisel, hammer and other tools.
On Saturday, February 2, 2019, adherents of the new Ukrainian church structure attempted to seize the church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Poradovka of the Vasilkovsky district, Kiev region, but stopped in time, reports the “1Kozak” TV channel.
According to updated data, the group of invaders, led by visiting chaplains of the UOC KP, consisted of 20-25 people.
As the UOJ reported, on March 2, around noon, supporters of the OCU gathered near the temple and held a "moleben" at the closed doors. After that, some of the most active "parishioners" began to incite others to enter the church, breaking the locks with the help of tools.
While the men were testing the doors of the temple for strength, one of the UOC believers, who was recording everything that happened on the video, reminded the invaders that their actions were a criminal offense. After this, a verbal skirmish began, with insults against the faithful of the canonical Church, but a physical clash was avoided.
Напомним, Свято-Владимирский храм, чин освящения которого в свое время совершал Блаженнейший Митрополит Владимир (Сабодан), сегодня был закрыт – в эту субботу верующие молились в другом храме.